"Did you really expect me to tell you what my answer to her was?" - of course Tide and I both knew that she wouldn't tell me, but how could I not ask after she brought. I knew if I were asked the same question, I would probably try to avoid answering it. I wouldn't want to give a foolish answer, at the same time, I can't pretend that I'm not thinking what I'm thinking or that I'm not feeling what I'm feeling. I can't lie to myself and I've got a hunch that Tide is feeling the same...
Honestly, I don't know what she answered: maybe it's best that I not know and that I imagine the answer I feel would best suit me. I know I too would be caught off-guard if my friend would ask me two weeks after I got together with someone "are you in love?" - At the same time I'm pretty sure is yes.
Tide, when I'm not with you, I miss you.