Torum Jot - Manysi Mahum!

The fictionalised non-fiction emotional roller-coaster of a man lost in relationships.

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... and here

2011.12.04. 23:10 Nyarpunkup

Angel shut the door and told me that her feelings for me are not about her trying to make up for any misery she feels in her current relationship, that I should not feel that she is using me to any such end. I was confused and aroused.A week earlier, we were out drinking, just the two of us. She…

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Here I am

2011.12.04. 16:49 Nyarpunkup

Five hours straight! I cannot believe this for the life of me - I just spent five hours straight making sensual and passionate love to Tide. Sting playing in the background, I couldn't get my hands off her, and seeing the passionate stare from her large blue eyes I couldn't hold back. She gave…

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Making that first step

2011.12.02. 07:48 Nyarpunkup

I stand nervously staring at this building - should I knock? I've come this far, my desires drawing me here like some great magnetic force, my ethics and morals pulling me back. Sophie, the great tormentor who follows me in my head, intervenes confirming first that I'm right to follow my ethics and…

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